I am not a God
I am not a devil
I am not a slave
I am not a master
I am not a daughter
I am not a daughter-in-law
I am not what God wanted me to be
I am not what my parents wanted me to be
I am not what the world wanted me to be
I am not what I wanted to be
I am just...
Is it so difficult to understand me?
I am not here to make you happy
I am not here to make myself happy
I am just here...
Do you have a problem with that?
I do not want a job
I do not want an identity
I do not want disciples
I do not want labels
I am not here to take your orders
I am not here to do what you tell me to
Do not bound me in chains
Do not pin me down with titles
I am beyond any title
I am Immortal
I am Almighty
I am Myself
Just let me 'be'!
I'm really very impressed with your words!! well would you like to get back to me? my id is nash_vbn@thomail dot com.
hi im krishna
The words ur wrote wher will u get it from... wen i read that it gives more confusion ( wat for we living for......? ) and at the same time deep silence and meditation.. is it realy come from ur heart.....? can u share more with me...?
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